Thursday, November 9, 2017

Emoji's, Emoji's, Read All About Them!

How does technology help us write? Really? Were already in school why do we have to write about such boring topics? Anyways, emoji's are a form of technology that has drastically helped people around the world write. Instead of cussing someone out, you could send them a bunch of naughty emoji's that symbolized that you are pissed off. Emoji's also cushion people feelings, You could write a hurtful sentence about someone and put an "heart" emoji right next to it and the person won't be hurt by the truth. We use emoji to express our feelings, to communicate when words fail us, and to lighten the mood.


  1. Great job. You need an apostrophe in the third sentence. You mean "we're" not were...

  2. The colors on your blog are so pretty!

  3. This is just awesome at its finest!!!!
