Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Thunder's Cry

The cars leaving there toxic gas in the air,
Going in any direction that the wind blows, 
The flowers dancing in the garden,
As the bees sip their sweet nectar,

All of the grass look the same but they all have their own rhythm,
Their own dance,
Individually made, individually appreciated

The leaves are breaking off and swaying in the wind,
Back and forth, back and forth,
The sky is stirring up mischief in hopes to scare everyone away,
The thunder rumbles up a storm, strong and scary

     When we were originally assigned this assignment. I procrastinated a whole bunch and eventually chose not to write the poem. As days went on, I saw all my fellow classmates attempting to create a poem that had to deal with nature, life and death, and individuality. The frustration was evident upon everyone's face. So I took a go at it and attempted to make my own poem thinking that the assignment was going to be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong! I was hit with a rude awakening when Mr. Medvecky told me that my poem was completely off topic and had nothing to do with the three(3) themes provided to me.
     My poem is similar to Dickenson and Whitman because though out this entire assignment I didn't rhyme. My poem includes some of the literary devices such as strong diction, imagery, and symbols. This exercise shows that it is really difficult for us to relate to nature. I believe that almost everyone struggled to get their poems completed and to their liking but in the end it all worked out. Although, this assignment was difficult I enjoy searching and brainstorming to find words and ideas to compare myself to nature.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Emoji's, Emoji's, Read All About Them!

How does technology help us write? Really? Were already in school why do we have to write about such boring topics? Anyways, emoji's are a form of technology that has drastically helped people around the world write. Instead of cussing someone out, you could send them a bunch of naughty emoji's that symbolized that you are pissed off. Emoji's also cushion people feelings, You could write a hurtful sentence about someone and put an "heart" emoji right next to it and the person won't be hurt by the truth. We use emoji to express our feelings, to communicate when words fail us, and to lighten the mood.